Thursday, July 30, 2009


Just a reminder: I've moved!

I sure hope you all will stop by my new blog...

If you have any thoughts you'd like to share on my new blog, please be sure to leave some comments!

Thank you,
~Heather ;)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I'm Moving....!!

Farewell, Dear Blogspot.... I'm moving on....!

However, I hope my blogger friends will continue to "follow" me at my *new* location! "Following" works the same way... just copy my URL and paste it....
1. Go to the bottom of your dashboard where it says "Reading List"
2. Click the "add" button
3. Paste my new direct URL ( into the box
4. Click "next"
5. Click "Follow"
....and it's as easy as that!!

I may update my blogspot from time to time (but no promises)! It has been fun!

~Heather ;]

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

In Possession of Stolen Property…?

Two drugged up guys broke into the church and did much damage on the inside. They stole $900 from the church safe. They raided the kitchen, ate what they wanted, and made a mess of what was left. They tore through the Pastor’s office and stole a set of keys from a drawer. They ended their rampage by taking the church van for a joyride. They managed to crash into 6 other vehicles, and after a police-chase they ran head-on into another FORD van. That’s as far as they got. They were in possession of stolen property. They did what they wanted to do, and as a result of that they caused pain and problems for others. Property was damaged, carpeting and materials were ruined, cars were totaled, and the list goes on and on – thousands of dollars worth of damages.

If you’re a Christian – let me rephrase that: if you have asked Jesus to be your personal Savior – than you have been bought and paid for. You are no longer your own (I Corinthians 6:20, 7:23). Your body is the temple – the very dwelling place of the Holy Spirit (I Corinthians 6:19)! Therefore, you no longer have the right to do what you want to do, go where you want to go, say what you want to say, dress how you want to dress, look at what you want to look at, etc. What rights have the servants over their Master? None. They are to do, go, say, and work as the Master commands.

If you then live like you want to live, rather than living as God would have you to live – you are in possession of stolen property. I will say it again because it bears repeating: “You are not your own. You have been bought and paid for.”

Once you have been saved, if you still live like the world lives, talk like the world talks, go where the world goes, and act like the world acts – you are damaging the cause of Christ. Your poor testimony will cause people to look at Christians and think: “well, who do they think THEY are…? I know ________ and he claims to be a Christian, but he still does ________ and ________. So why are they preaching at me for it?” -or- “She claims to be a Christian, but I know who she really is… I’ve seen her at ________ and I heard she does ________ all the time.”
Those “Christians” are in possession of stolen property! By living unholy, worldly lives they are hurting the cause of Christ. And we wonder why church ministries are at a stand-still: not growing, indifferent, cold, dead. We wonder why so little is getting done for the Lord.
You’re argument: “I have my rights!” My reply: “What rights?”
We have been bought with a price (I Corinthians 6:20, I Corinthians 7:23) – and we weren’t cheap, you know. The price the wages of our sin set was the death of perfection, the shedding of innocent blood, the sacrificing of the Only Begotten Son of God. So I ask again: What rights do the servants have over the Master? None. We are the servants of Christ (or rather, “co-laborers” WITH Christ), held hostage by His love, and a prisoner of hope by the faith which we have in His everlasting promises.

We have been commanded to: “therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” Our heart’s prayer should be as David asked: “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer” (Psalm 19:14).

Are you in possession of stolen property?

(Thought from Pastor Rick Williams)

Friday, July 17, 2009

Perhaps He’s *Whispering* To The Angels ♥

I felt it was time to make another visit to my *ceiling*. I need to lift some things off my chest (if you will). Prayer requests and praises. Fears and worries. Cares and anxieties. Wants and needs. THIS is my *ceiling* for today...


Sooo… I’m back to square one. Worry. Worry. Worry. Worry more. Worry. *blah* Though my job is secure, my particular position is not. *long story* So I wait… and guess what…? Yep, I worry. *stupid* I know better. I have Someone watching all this unfold, and He’s smiling. Why? Because it’s HIS plan. And He gets excited... Knowing His children don’t always understand what’s happening – but that’s the exciting part. It’s like someone who’s written a book that’s now being filmed – the author knows how the end of the story will turn out – but the viewers sit on the edge of their seats… waiting. God is my author… I’m just along for the show.

Discouragement is something that I don’t battle with often… but when I do, it’s pretty bad. The worst one was a 7-month time period, *which-h-h… we shall refrain from speaking of*. :) When the University told me it would be at least 2 more years worth of classes (ABOVE AND BEYOND my Associate’s Degree) before I would even be eligible to be admissible to their college heavy discouragement set in. I have seriously never felt so much like I have been wasting my time than I did at that moment. I called Mom to let her know what I had found out, and then I said: “Mom… I’m just so upset right now. I’m really discouraged…” Her answer: “Don’t be discouraged, Heather… because God’s got a plan in all this. Don’t forget that.” *about 20 seconds of silence for me to choke back the grateful tears* “Yeah… I guess you’re right. He’s got to have a plan… He always does.”
ANDDD… that plan set in less than 24 hours later… which I will share with you at another time.

Stress and anxiety have become pretty good friends of mine. Not by MY choice – but there they are. School – when coupled with a 40+ hour job, teaching private piano lessons, and church ministries – stresses me out. I’m anal when it comes to my grades. In my opinion, anything below an “A” is unacceptable. I really beat myself up over it. Last semester I was so stressed I had a constant twitch in my left eye half-way through the semester – the twitch didn’t stop until about 2 days after my last final. And I LET myself stress out. Wait… what’s that verse…? Oh yeah… “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you” (I Peter 5:7). Calming. Soothing. Reassuring. Encouraging. Stress-relief. *sighh-h-h-h*

While soaking in a bubble bath the other night, I began deeply thinking (as I often do). What’s the difference between “happiness” and “joy”? HAPPINESS is something that is based on circumstances. When things are good, I’m happy. When things aren’t good, I’m not happy. JOY is something that can never be taking away from me (“…your joy no man taketh from you” (John 16:22b). Sure, I can choose to “lose my joy” – but others can’t take it from me. I like to think of it this way: Happiness is earthly; joy is heavenly. Joy comes from the Lord (Galatians 5:22). I can still have a smile on my face – even if the economy stinks; even if I don’t agree with the political leaders; even if I lose my job; even if I fail my classes; even if everyone in this world forsakes me. I may not be “happy”… :) but I can still have my joy.

I don’t think God is laughing at this particular *ceiling* of mine… but instead, perhaps He’s whispering to the angels: “Finally… she’s starting to get it…!” :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How God Must Laugh At My *Ceiling*

My best friend (Sarah Pruitt) used to write unique little questions (little questions, but deep ones) on her ceiling because her bed was like a foot from it. She told me I need a ceiling to write my musings and questions on… THIS is my ceiling… or at least one of the many…


Sometimes there is a loss for words… or at least, I am at a loss for the “right” words. I have something to say, but I don’t know how to say it. Or perhaps, I DO know how to say it, but I’m afraid of hurting someone. Silence and I have never been real good friends, but lately I have become better acquainted with it – and, most likely, it’s for the better.

So often I get worried that my plans won’t be fulfilled. Sometimes I question if God really knows what He’s doing… but then I remember that the clay has no right to accuse the Potter of being unfaithful to His work.

Sometimes I let myself get sick because what I WANT is not what HE WANTS, and it causes unrest in my heart. Seriously? What am I thinking? What’s meant to be will always find it's way. God doesn’t need my help. After all, He is God, you know…? It seems silly that I’m willing to trust Him with my eternal security, but not with my temporary, “like-a-vapor” life here on earth. *pfft*

And then there’s that aspect of loneliness. Constantly surrounded by people, but having the feeling of being alone… which is completely ridiculous because I have a Comforter who never leaves me and will not forsake me.

Tell me… what is God’s will? How do I know when I’ve found His purpose for my life? I don’t expect a great thundering noise, lightning flashing, and a giant hand writing on the wall – but a still, small voice would be nice. Or even a “sign” from Him. Perhaps His will is found only by taking it one day at a time, and trusting that the One Who holds the future of the world also carries me in the palm of His hand – and He never sleeps.

Since when does my opinion matter? Since when do people care what I have to say? Since when does God care what I think? Correct: It doesn’t matter. Many say “God said it. I believe it. And that settles it for me.” However, I believe the better way to say it is: “God said it. And that settles it for me.” It matters not if I believe it or not… what God said, goes. End of discussion. Period.

I have limits. I don’t like being pushed around, getting my toes stepped on, or being asked to do virtually “the impossible”. But sometimes it’s asked of me… or IS it? Maybe what I think is completely impossible for me to do really isn’t – but when looking at it from where I’m standing it looks like Mt. Everest is in front of me, and I must climb it… in one hour… barefoot. See… impossible. But from where God is sitting, everything’s all down-hill from there… literally. Oh, the irony… how He must laugh!

I have much to learn… and I take it as it comes. Ready and willing.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What Is a Fundamental Baptist Church?

By: Dr. Jack Hyles (1926-2001),
Pastor of First Baptist Church in Hammond, IN (1959-2001).
He died Feburary 6, 2001 but his influence lives on.

Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called: Mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied. Beloved when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ. Jude 1-4

The word fundamental is a relative word. It becomes an adjective instead of a noun when it is used to describe a Baptist church. It is a shame that we have to say fundamental Baptist church, because all Baptist churches ought to be fundamental.

The word fundamental means, one who holds to the original faith and practice of a movement. A Masonic Lodge can have fundamentalists. If you go back to the fundamentals of the Masonic Lodge, you are a fundamental Mason. The word fundamentalist does not apply Just to a group of Baptists. It can apply to any group. There are many kinds of religious fundamentalists, and there are even many kinds of Christian fundamentalists.

The first Baptist church was started in about 31 A.D.

It was not started on the day of Pentecost. It was started during the earthly ministry of our Lord.

The Catholic church was started in 313 by Constantine, the Emperor. Constantine united the church and the state in the Roman Catholic hierarchy.

In 1530 the Reformation came and the Lutherans started. About the fourteenth century a man named John Wycliff became very disenchanted with the Catholic church. Then came another man named John Huss, who likewise was disenchanted with the Catholic church. Following Huss came a man whose name was Savonarola. All three of these men were martyred by the Catholic church. Then came a man named Zwingli, who was also disenchanted. He became a part of the Reformation. Zwingli was followed by Martin Luther, who was followed by John Calvin.

In 1531 the Episcopalian church started.

In 1541 the Presbyterian church started.

In 1602 the Congregational church started.

In 1785 the Methodist church was started by John Wesley.

In 1812 the Disciples of Christ were started. We now call them the Church of Christ, Christian churches, or Disciples of Christ.

Around 1900 the inter-denominational movement began to flourish in America.

Remember that a fundamentalist is someone who goes back to the original faith and practice of a movement. How far back does someone have to go in order to be considered a fundamentalist? They must go back to the origin of their movement.

To be a fundamentalist Methodist a person would have to go back to 1785. A fundamental Methodist is not a fundamentalist as we Baptists count a fundamentalist. They still sprinkle because John Wesley sprinkled. They still believe in denominational lordship of the churches. They still believe that salvation can be lost because John Wesley believed it. They still believe in holiness. John Wesley was wrong on holiness. John Wesley was a great man and certainly deserves our attention as a man of character, discipline, and prayer, but not as a man of doctrine.

I believe we ought to pray for, love and admire people of other denominations, who believe the Bible, but not doctrinally like we do, but I do not think we ought to work with them. I think it is unwise to work with people that are fundamental in their own doctrine.

When I was a young preacher, I pastored the Grange Hall Baptist Church in the country, outside of Marshall, Texas. The Grange Hall Methodist Church was a good Methodist church. They had a fundamental Methodist preacher named Edmond Robb. He and I became good friends. Both of us were in the same little country neighborhood. I respected Ed Robb and the Grange Hall Methodist Church. We never had any trouble, because did not try to unite in our efforts.

America was much better off when Baptists worked with Baptists, Nazarenes worked with Nazarenes, and fundamental Presbyterians worked with fundamental Presbyterians, etc. We do not reveal our differences as much if we stay in our own camps and do our own work. We got the job done better back in those days as well.

I admire the fundamental inter-denominational people. I respect them, but I do not work with them. The Cumberland Presbyterian Church was about a mile and half from our church. They had revivals just like we did. They got people saved just like we did, but they sprinkled babies and converts. Their denomination assigned the preacher to the churches. I respected them, and I prayed for their revivals, but did not unite with them.

Let's allow the fundamental Disciples of Christ, the fundamental Methodists, the fundamental Congregationalists, and the fundamental Presbyterians to live, but let us be fundamental Baptists. The Baptist distinctives that have made us different through the years are no longer precious because we have worked with good people whose doctrines were wrong in some important areas.

There are those in the Lutheran church who have returned to the fundamentals of the Lutheran church, but they are still different from a fundamental Baptist in some important areas. They still sprinkle babies. They still have the Bishopry over the churches. They are totally wrong on the doctrines of the church, baptism, and the Lord's Supper.

I respect and admire a fundamental Lutheran preacher. I rejoice with him for his morals. I rejoice because he stands for righteousness. I rejoice that he fights unrighteousness. I rejoice that he has revivalsand gets people saved, but I cannot rejoice that he is wrong on the local church. I cannot rejoice that he is wrong on baptism. I cannot rejoice that he is wrong on sprinkling babies. I cannot rejoice that he is wrong on the Lord's Supper. I can thank God for him, but I will not join up with him.

To be a fundamental Baptist you must go back to Jesus. Nobody is a true Bible fundamentalist unless he is a fundamental Baptist. Nobody who sprinkles babies is a true fundamentalist because no babies were sprinkled in the Bible. To be a true fundamentalist you cannot believe in falling from grace, because the Bible teaches that you cannot fall from grace. To be a true fundamentalist you must be separated from the world. To be a true fundamentalist you must be a soul winner. You can be a fundamental inter-denominationalist and not believe in soul winning, but you cannot be a fundamental Baptist and not believe in soul winning.

A fundamental Baptist church is a church whose faith and practice goes back to 31 A.D. to Jesus. You can be a fundamental Methodist and go back to Wesley. You can be a fundamental Presbyterian and go back to Calvin or Zwingli. You can be a fundamental Lutheran and go back to Luther. You can be a fundamental Catholic and go back to Constantine, but you cannot be a real Bible fundamentalist unless you go back to Jesus.

Two things cause these movements to move away from the fundamentals.

1. Unwillingness to accept the stigma of either extreme. Either position has a stigma. If a man is a strict fundamentalist, the great host of society calls him a radical. Most people do not want to be considered fanatical.

The evangelicals came along and taught fundamentalists how not to be radical. The evangelical movement was not founded because of conviction. It was founded because the evangelical people were not willing to be branded for Jesus' sake. They did not want to bear the stigma.

The farther from fundamentalism the Devil can brand as radical, the better he likes it. He likes it when more liberal Christians are called fundamentalist because it moves the line of what a radical is considered to be. If you are not a fighting fundamentalist, you are an evangelical.

The neoorthodox movement is the same thing to liberalism as the Evangelical movement is to fundamentalism. It is a way to avoid being in the extreme of a movement.

In Washington, D.C. you will not find many old fashioned conservative Republicans. Nor will you find many staunch liberals. The same concept applies. Everyone wants to be moderate, so they will not be considered radical.

The evangelical movement is nothing more than fundamentalists who use liberal terms. The neoorthodox movement is nothing more than liberals who use fundamentalist terms. New evangelicals are those who meet somewhere in the middle.

2. A desire to gather a larger following. Many people make the mistake of believing that they will grow more by appealing to a wider scope of people. In reality, people are drawn to that which is distinct. Most people hold to extreme beliefs and are thrilled to find an institution that has not compromised those beliefs. That has been the secret of the success of the First Baptist Church of Hammond. We have done nothing to try to appeal to crowds other than proclaiming the uncompromised truth of the Word of God.

Many men who had great and growing ministries saw the opportunity to enlarge their outreach and changed their position more towards the middle. In most cases the ministries diminished.

Let me make a few observations.

1. The Devil wants to bring the term radical toward the center.

2. Let us thank God for every group that broke with their original group when it got liberal and went back to what it used to be.

3. Let us hold to our Baptist distinctives. They do matter. Baptism does matter. It is in the Great Commission. Soul winning does matter. It is in the Great Commission. The Lord's Supper does matter. It is one of the church ordinances. It does matter. The doctrine of the church does matter. Let us hold dear and treasure our Baptist distinctives while at the same time admiring those who are willing to take a stand in their denomination.

4. Let us not be ashamed of being considered radicals.

5. We had a stronger nation when each did its own work alone and the rest of us admired each other from a distance. I am a Baptist. I thank God that I am a Baptist. I thank God for my Baptist heritage. 1 thank God for Baptist distinctives. I thank God for the men who died for them. If they can be martyred for these Baptist distinctives, the least I can do is believe them.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Happiness? Seriously...!?

Finally the work day ended, and I rushed to my car - I had to make it to the college before 6:00! The wheels in my mind began turning:

"What is happiness...? Am I happy? Or am I just pretending? Or maybe I don't know what real happiness is... so then technically if I'm missing out, I don't know it. After all, isn't ignorance bliss?"

Guilt-free conscience?
Family and Friends?
Church... Religion?

I think I finally narrowed it down to one thing..... Jesus.

Because in Jesus we have all the rest:

Because of His love for me, He sacrificed His life and died for me - which in turn brings me peace. I walk in His will for my life, and therefore have a guilt-free conscience. He gave me a godly family, and wonderful friends. He blessed me with a good job, so I have money to provide for my needs. I have a great church that He has allowed me to attend, and have more than just a religion... I have a relationship with the God of Heaven. He showers me with attention, and loves me like I am His only child (at least, that's how I feel... but then again, all His children feel this way...). Any and All the "stuff" I may ever need, I find in Him. Surely, He satisfies my every longing.

"God doesn't have to bless me,
but He's been so good to me."

What do you say happiness is?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Application: Date ME...!! HA! ;D

My Co-worker made this for me... as a joke... sorta.
I am single. BY CHOICE. Currently, I have about 12 men standing in line.... ;)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Update: I LIVE....!! ♥



I feel terrible that I have not been blogging lately. My idea of "summer vacation" was that it'd be slower than my hectic crazy life during the semesters. WRONG! Now that school's out and I don't have to stay up and study untill 2:00 AM only to have to wake up at 5:30 AM for work --- I'm still verrrryyyyyy busy! Does it ever end? I know, I know... when I kick the bucket.

I've been having a good time though: parties, activities, sports, church ministries, etc, etc, etc... :) But it's been non-stop. I feel like Superman... untill Monday morning rolls around, and I need my coffee before I turn into the Hulk. Attractive little fellow that he is... I'd rather not look like him.

Here's a couple pictures that were taken over the past couple months or so.... Enjoy!

Me and my friend Rachel: a group of us went out and had a night a bowling... or at least attempted to bowl. and afterwards we all went to BigBoy... which is where this picture was taken. Everyone else had their significant other with them, or were getting married in a few weeks, and Rachel and I were the only single ones there. Everyone decided that we should be a couple for the night.... We fed each other strawberries. Everyone laughed. :)

This is me in Texas. Vacation #1 for this year! Texas was great! It was nice to just get away from everything, and be out in the warm country.... Where the cows roam free, and the cowboys are plentious....! Where the days are scouldering hot, and the nights are infested with scorpians....! Where the lifestyle is slow, and everyone's very laid back....! I have learned from all this that I am, without a doubt, truly, 100%, no hope of changing, extremely, for sure, completely a city girl. ♥ ;) ♥ (May.21-28.2009)

I was messing around with my camera... and this little picture happened. *accidentally* which I'm okay with... I happen to kinda, a little bit, like it! ;)

My Best Friend Sarah (or Sarah Marie, as I call her... or My Love.. which is what we call each other! HA!) This was in Claires (a little accesory store in the mall). We were laughing so hard that day. I look like something from off of Star Wars; and if you notice her "sunglasses", there are no lenses... just plastic bars across them. In her words: "There were obviously made for people who aren't aloud to drive yet... THESE JUST AREN'T SAFE!!" *laugh. out. loud.* Oh man... I could tell you stories of the times she and I have together!! *wheeeeehwww!!*

This picture was just taken about a week ago or so... at Metro Beach! I decided to give the tree a little hug (as a joke), and mom took a picture. Knowing how much I hated my Environmental Science class I had last semester, mom said: "Maybe if you would've taken a pic like this and sent it to your teacher, he would've given you an A+ instead of an A-!!" She's so funny! I love her! ;D

Well.... that's it for now! Hopefully I'll be back sooner than later! I hope all is going well for you all!

My God is good! ALL the time my God is good!

Monday, June 8, 2009

In Jesus

I’ve tried in vain a thousand ways
My fears to quell, my hopes to raise;
But what I need, the Bible says,
Is ever, only Jesus.

My soul is night, my heart is steel –
I cannot see, I cannot feel;
For light, for life I must appeal
In simply faith to Jesus.

He died, He lives, He reigns, He pleads;
There’s love in all His words and deeds;
There’s all a guilty sinner needs
Forevermore in Jesus.

Though some should sneer, and some should blame,
I’ll go with all my guilt and shame;
I’ll go to Him because His name,
Above all names, is Jesus.

Acts 4:12 ~ “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”

James Procter was born and raised in an old-fashioned Christian home. He was in church every time the doors were open. He heard the truth preached constantly. Yet in his early teens he began to read the writings of the Free Thinkers and other infidels. He read the error of these writers to such an extent that his own faith in God became shaken. Eventually, he renounced all interest in the Christian faith and the Bible. He later joined the Free Thinkers’ Society in Manchester, soon becoming its president. During the early years of infidelity and searching for life’s meaning, James Procter penned the first two verses of this hymn. In the second verse he especially described his own attitudes as an unbeliever.

Later, while serving as the President of the Free Thinkers’ Society in Manchester, England, James experienced a serious illness. Fearing that the end of his life was at hand, he one day requested his sister to send for a minister of the Gospel. A faithful man of God came to his bedside and led Mr. Procter to a saving faith in Christ. The illness took and turn for the better and his sister described this experience during his convalescence:

“One day as I sat at my brother’s bedside he said: “Sister, go over to that old bureau and look through some papers in the top right drawer. You will find a sheet on which are too verses of a poem. I want to finish that text right now.”
I went over to the bureau and soon located the paper and began to read: “I’ve tried in vain....”
“Yes, yes, that’s it. Now let me dictate the last two verses to you.” with great excitement, my brother repeated the words slowly for the last two stanzas while I wrote them down with much care. That closing verse was especially meaningful to my brother as it represented his personal testimony to his many long-time friends, the other members of the Free Thinkers’ Society.

Though some should sneer, and some should blame,
I’ll go with all my guilt and shame;
I’ll go to Him because His name,
Above all names, is Jesus.

You can well imagine my delight on that November day of 1903 when the noted Gospel musician, Robert Harkness, expressed a real interest in my brother’s text. On a train trip home from Manchester, England, one rainy day Mr. Harkness wrote down the music that would accompany the song “In Jesus”.

Mr. Procter was raised in the light of the truth of Jesus. But no one is above falling. He renounced all interest in anything that had to do with the faith of his fathers and Jesus Christ. Psalm 14:1 says, “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.” But shortly before he died, he got it settled; he got it all made right. Oh, I’m so glad he changed his mind, aren’t you!

The Bible says in Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” God’s promises are true – they’re real! God is so good!

“Atheism is the death of hope, the suicide of the soul.” – Anonymous
“Atheism is rather in the lip than in the heart of man.” – Sir Francis Bacon (Essays: Of Atheism)

Acts 10:43 ~ “To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins.”

I Timothy 2:3-6 ~ “For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.”

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Discussion: KJV Bible - The One & Only?

The following is a “status update” that I posted on FaceBook on June 3, 2009. Everything underneath it is the discussion that came of my status! The “argument” started on the 3rd of June and continued through the 9th of June. *whew!* What an issue... and I find it very interesting that those who “oppose” the KJV don’t try to defend the “bible version” they prefer. No, no... instead they try to disprove and trample all over the Word of God. Incredible. Some people may not appreciate everything that they will read here, but that’s ok. :) I stand for the truth. I’m willing to fight for it – because it’s worth it. God has been so good to me.

~~the KJV Bible is the inspired, preserved down through the ages, flawless, two-edged Sword, Holy Word of Almighty God! I stand by that truth! I thank God for my KJV Bible.

Gregory: You guys worship it like it's the original document handed down from God himself! It is, after all, a translation. :D

Heather: watch your words, bud... He allowed it to be carefully translated into the English language for us. That Bible has survived and been preserved through the ages and many persecutions. But truth always rises.
Without the KJV there wouldn't be all these other "wanna-be" bibles out there that are translated from it.

Sarah 1: wow. Just a thought: I have friends that are missionaries to Japan. They have been denied support from several churches because the Bible they use is in Japanese, therefore not KJV. Does that even make sense?

Gregory: Did you know the KJV isn't even the oldest existing English Bible? The Geneva Bible is even older, and it's what the pilgrims and early immigrants used to keep their faith strong. Not to sound rude, but no translation was taken from the King James. All current translations use even older manuscripts than the KJV was taken from, with a fresh set of Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic scholars.

Brian: we know where the translation was taken from, and we don't worship the book. But we believe it is the translation for English speaking people.

Heather: Sarah, no I agree with you. Other languages will have their own "KJV" version for their languages! But the KJV for the English speaking people is what I’m talking about!

Jessica: God built this country on the KJV Bible. I think if it was flawed in anyway God would not have allowed it to withstand all these years.

Heather: Brian, exactly!

Heather: Jessica, exactly! I have smart friends!

Steven: KJV is cool, but I don't speak 'Old English'. I thank God for giving our culture a translation for our Language. I love and thank God for my ESV and NASB Bible!

Gregory: Amen Steven! :)

Laurel: I love to teach grammar and outlining from the KJV.

Heather: there was a day when kids were taught how to read by reading that blessed KJV Bible...!

Lauren: I agree with you about the KJV Heather, and you do have smart friends...some of them anyway! ;)

Jeremy: Actually, America was founded on the Geneva Bible (the Bible of the Puritans in Massachusetts), which is around 95% similar to the AV and was used as a reference in the AV's translation. It was still a popular Bible during the days of the American Revolution in many of the northern colonies. By the time the AV really took hold in the States, it was in the 1780's, and it had already been revised several times until it arrived in its current state in 1769 with the Oxford Standard rendering.

Steven: Even Jesus quoted the Old Testament from multiple translations.

Jeremy: Including the Septuagint, which was translated from those terrible Alexandrian texts.

Caleb W: Jesus Christ IS the word. He can say whatever he wants. As the author, he can make revisions whenever he wants.

Charlene: I just read this verse tonight, perfect timing, "Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are which testify of me." John 6:39. The scriptures aren't life in itself, but they testify of the life giving Saviour. It's all about HIM.

Caleb D: As far as translations are concerned I am not going to tell anyone they are wrong for reading the Bible if it's not a version I like. I know lots of people that have come to the truth using many different versions. I myself prefer my NASB.

Jeremy: Spot on. I've known people who use versions I would never recommend to anyone and they had a more solid testimony than me.

Barbara: I'm so glad that Christ loves everyone despite of which Bible they use, or even if they own a Bible! :)

Sarah 2: Well-put, Barb! For personally I believe the King James Bible is the translation God has preserved and intended for us to use today! The new scholars that make these new translations are usually not seeking God's input but relying on their own intellect to put it together the way they think it should have been done and thus, they cause contradictions all over! Why try to fix what isn't broken? The old English is easy enough to understand. You may have to look a word or two up in the dictionary, but what's wrong with expanding your knowledge a little bit, right?!?

Tracy: I can understand where the KJV only people are coming from. It would seem that a translation that has been passed down through the ages should be honored and respected, and they are right. But after receiving counsel and teaching from men who have sought to study, we need to remember that it is only a translation. There are many translations to be wary of for sure! The ESV though seems to be the most accurate of all translations. My belief on this stems from the teaching of several very wise men that I respect. My pastor is an older gentleman that has devoted most of his time to studying the scriptures, and has come to this conclusion after much study. I still enjoy using my KJV from time to time though.

Sarah 2: I don't understand why people don't have enough faith in God to believe that He could give us His perfect inerrant Word in the predominant language of our day. If they are all only translations, can you tell me where truth is? Where is God? If He isn't big enough to give us His Word how are we supposed to believe He's big enough to save us from a burning hell?!? I don't trust what ANY man says. I trust what God said in His word. His PERFECT Word, the King James Bible! It’s not out of respect for anyone but the God who loved me enough to give me His very best!

Tracy: I would encourage you as a sister in Christ to consider the ESV translation. I was very leery of reading anything but KJV for a long time, but I have been very blessed by this one. I am thankful for studied men who encouraged me to read the ESV.

Heather: what isn't broken doesn’t need to be fixed. We need to be very careful.... God warns against changing even one cross of a "t" or one dot of an "i" in His Word... so many "translations" today have cut out such verses that support the virgin birth, the blood of Christ, the resurrection, make Jesus look like a queer, etc.

Sarah 2: I appreciate your insight, but have to decline the offer. Like I said in one of my earlier posts, why would I want to find a fix for what isn't broken?!? What need would I have to read anything, but what has proven to be my help in struggles, my hope when I'm desperate, my encouragement when I'm down and my light when I can't find my way?!?! I don't read a translation of the Bible. It’s not a "version" it is THE BIBLE! The only perfect Word in existence today. I know plenty of scholarly people who have done the research. And again, they depend more on their intellect than a faith in God to direct them to the truth. God is big enough to show Himself and His Word to anyone looking to find Him!

Heather: I had a NKJV for a couple months and found it to be lacking. I simply wanted to compare it to the KJV ---- I have learned that God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and unable to fail: He claims in the KJV Bible that they are "the very Word of God". I am a KJV-only believer by conviction.
Why do standards keep dropping?? Raise the bar back up! ...and we wonder why Christians are such a mess today! We wonder why preachers don’t preach with God's power on their lives!
"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." (Rom. 10:17)

Barbara: I think I am going to re-write Shakespeare. I just can't understand it! :) I usually try to stay away from this debate as much as possible. I do believe that my God will preserve His word for us. But, I do not want to argue/debate with someone just b/c they happen to use a different translation. I grew up using the KJV. I know its power in my life, and I find to use anything else just sounds strange. Like taking a beautiful poem and adding slang. BUT, I also respect that other people who have grown up using a different version may feel the same way. I think it is wonderful to study out for yourself why you believe what you believe, but in the end, I don't believe the Lord would want us being divided over "issues." Sometimes, "issues" turn people away from seeking out a personal relationship with Christ. I have met many KJV only Christians who cause more harm with their testimony, and I have met many sincere, devout Christians who use different versions.

Barbara: ran out of room... I believe the Lord cares more about our heart than which big black book we proudly caring under our arm.

Kirstyn: It's so funny that you just got attacked on here for thanking God for the KJV... Great, you all have opinions!! But has anyone ever seen a status that says "I thank God for my uninspired, man-written fill-in-the-blank!!" I promise you there's a whole lot more to be thankful for in that good ol' KJV!! Here's a thought: I was just in my old Jr choir last night and the new teacher taught the kids Titus 2:11 "For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men." And my mom asked "who can tell me what that means?" Several of the kids knew exactly what it meant, but what impressed me was a 12 year old boy who gave a perfect explanation of that verse... He didn't have to have it dumbed down into "modern English" so he could understand it! And this isn't a kid that grew up in church or in a Christian school... This kid is a bus kid of maybe 4 yrs and he's gone to a public school. Amazing that a 12 yr old could do that when adults complain not being able to understand it...

Heather: I am not disrespecting anyone. This is not a heated argument. It’s merely a discussion. Through studying and by discussion, faith grows. Roots are grounded deeper. Minds are challenged. It’s not a matter of what's good, or what's not.... it's a matter of what's right! God is right.

Heather: Kirstyn, you're exactly right! It really shows the intelligence of our day, doesn’t it!... or the lack thereof - to prefer a more simple, watered down "imitation" of the Bible over the real deal.
It’s more than just a "black book".... it's the Word of God!
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (John 1:1)

Sarah 2: Well-said, Heather! I don't think God wants us to be divided over petty things either. And I certainly know what you mean by not wanting to do more hurt than help. But I just don't see the issue of the Bible as small. If there is no real Bible, where is truth? Why should we believe any of it if no one can prove it's absolute? I can't put my complete trust in something that is incomplete. Does that make sense? I'm probably just repeating myself now. AMEN, Kirstyn! That good ol' teaching has done us some good! :-) Boy, do we all have something to be thankful for! I'm glad that in a world like we live in, I have somewhere to turn to that has all the answers I could ever need. And I don't have to doubt if this is the right "version" or if that's not really what God meant! So glad that "I know whom I have believed in and am persuaded that He is able!"

Barbara: I hope no one thought I was addressing them individually, b/c that is not my intent. I LOVE my Bible. No one can persuade me to use anything else. It is powerful, life-changing, and direct access to the thoughts and desires of our God. I just feel like FB is such a public place. I have friends in Germany who will be able to see these comments... Read More. ;) My concern is for non-believers who see Christians arguing, and to them it is arguing no matter how passionate we may feel, about which Bible is the real Bible. If they see that we can't even agree on which is the Bible, than how can we agree on anything else. Again, this is just my opinion. I love you all! Well, if I actually know you!!! :)

Heather: Sarah.... amen! God has been so good to us!
And I'll say it again: I THANK GOD for my KJV Bible!

Heather: Barb... I hope lost people DO read this. They need to know what the truth is! They are thrown this and that, sold this and that, taught this and that.... meanwhile they’re headed straight for Hell!
No, no... The truth needs to be taught, spoke of, discussed, proven, shown evident, testified of, held high, and protected. I'm willing to take that challenge.

Sarah 2: I know what you mean. Like you, I hope no one thinks I was upset with them. I usually try not to even get in conversations like this just because most people already have their minds made up! :-) I hope some of us have been challenged though!

David: Wow. It is interesting that when someone takes a stand for a book that has stood the test of time, it brings out so many comments. New translations are translated from corrupted manuscripts which removed the words blood, Christ, Lord Jesus, and many other important words from the Bible. Using a new translation just because you think it is easier to understand to abandon a trusted Bible. After all, our problem is not that we don’t understand the Bible but that we don’t DO what we already know!

David: And I thank God for people like Heather who are willing to buck the "Bible of the month club" philosophy!

Sarah 2: That will preach, David! Amen!

Heather: Mr. Arnold... you are right! Churches all across the country have split, fallen apart, and did 180-degree turns and are now heading the wrong direction because of this issue alone! God is not a man, that He should lie - and He changes not! Therefore, why does mankind feel the need to change His Word....? It needs not to be changed! It needs to be obeyed!!

Kirstyn: If Christians back down today because we don’t want to argue, then I think it would be a slap in the face to those who DIED to see that Bible passed down to the next generations… If it’s worth dying for, it’s certainly worth “squabbling” over!! I make no apologies for being a KJV believer, and thank God that those before us who didn’t apologize but rather gave their lives!!

Steven: Interesting Discussion :) Things I wonder though are this:
1) Why do King James Only-ists create a standard that even Jesus and Paul didn't abide by. They both quoted the Old Testament using Multiple Translations. Are you better than Jesus or Paul?
2) Do you stone your preacher for breaking down a Greek word in his sermon? If you were consistent you should, since the ESV and NASB does exactly that.
3) Where in the Bible does it say we should embrace a certain culture or language? It says we should embrace a Holy and sinless lifestyle. Not a particular culture or language.
Trying to force today’s English-speaking people to use the KJV only is like trying to force today’s Greek speaking people to use the Koine Greek only.
God is sovereign over all things, including Culture and Language changes.
Grace and Peace,
Steven :)

Heather: 1. Jesus merely quoted Himself - after all, He wrote the Bible. God is not the author of confusion, and He cannot and will not contradict Himself. People all through the ages have tried to disprove it, but none have succeeded. Praise God!
2. When my preacher breaks down a Greek word in His sermon He does not claim that his words are the Bible - he merely helps us understand. The different is, the translations claim to be something they are not. The preacher explains, and does not claim that his words are what they are not.
3. This is not about a culture or lifestyle. The Bible claims that it is the "very Words of God", and it warns against changing even one "jot or tittle". It's not about race or styles - it's about what's right.No one is forcing anyone. God gave man a free will to do as He pleases. Hence, we have the Garden of Eden, Noah’s Ark, Sodom and Gomorrah, the Tower of Babel, etc and etc. God is Sovereign, Amen!

Karah: I have to comment. The KJV is not the original Bible. It was translated by men of “that day”. It was written in the language of “that day”. King James was also a queer and wanted his name put on the Bible of that day. People do not speak the way they spoke in King James’ time. To compare Shakespeare to the Bible is very wrong. You need to be able to interpret the Bible correctly, especially if you’re a new Christian. New Christians get very frustrated if they can’t understand the Bible. Why would you give them something they can’t study? I was brought up with the KJV and couldn’t understand a lot of it. To say that the KJV is the only Word of God is so wrong. There are many translations out there that have been proved to be better translated from the original scripts than the KJV. The KJV is a translation of another translation. By all means be proud of your Bible, but really study where it actually came from. Don’t just listen to what others tell you.

Heather: I’ve never had a child tell me they don’t understand.
And what of those back in pioneering days that didn’t speak “old English” either....
Truly, this discussion could go on and on – it has been going on for centuries.
The KJV has stood the test of time. Martyrs died defending it. People today treat is so flippantly… like a revision needs to be made every 5 years. Truth needs no revision! Things get lost in the shuffle – like the blood of Christ, the Virgin birth, Jonah and the whale.... God help us.

Karah: You're forgetting the point that the KJV is a revision as well. My Bible talks about everything that you listed that "got lost in the shuffle". You can't say that the KJV is the original word of God, because it's not. AGain the KJV is a revision of another translation. You can't keep avoiding that point. I know my Bible is a translation and not a translation and not a revision of another translation. KJV onlyers need to accept that their translation is really a revision of another translation. If you want to use the KJV, then by all means that’s great, but to say that the KJV is the ONLY Word of God is horribly wrong. It also was re-written by MEN. I’m glad you’re thankful for your Bible, we should all be thankful for our Word of God. But I had to comment on the incorrect information. Besides, the true Word of God is Jesus. The Bible is a historical document. There will be many translations throughout the ages, into the languages of the people reading it. But Jesus is the TRUE Word of God.

Sarah 2: You may be able to understand that version better, but what you're getting is what the translator wants you to get and not what was inspired by God. Why is it so easy for someone to put their faith in God to save them, but not to preserve His Word forever? And whoever you learned that King James was a queer from was SORELY mistaken! You should really do some more study. And not just from the side you stand on, but from the other side as well to weigh what's really at stake here.

Sarah 2: For the record, there are no "originals" why do people say that like they'll just go get the papers Paul wrote on and tell you what He said? The scholars of today are translating from translations! Anyone that wants to can translate, but that doesn't mean God has put His hand on them and is writing through them! The versions now are nothing more than that. They are incomplete without the hand of God on them! If you have never put your faith in a LIVING book before, it would explain why maybe you are having a hard time grasping that it is ALIVE and God Himself penned it through the men that translated.
Let God be true and every man a liar!

Gregory: It's apparent that this is a very interesting discussion that carries a lot of baggage for people. All I can add to it is that today's translations are more accurate than the KJV, as we have discovered older and better manuscripts since that time. Scholars today better understand the ancient Hebrew and Greek than those of the KJV did. The Bible was written to be read in the language of the people; there is nowhere in the Bible that says any translation is or will be divinely inspired. That verse was written far before the King James ever existed, so how could you take that and try to apply it to the KJV? Lastly, people have died for the Bible since its publication up until this day in some countries. That is not a KJV-only issue.

Gregory: Oh, and I agree with Barbara and so many people here! We shouldn’t be divided. We should use what we believe gives us the greatest understanding of God’s Word and the most accurate rendering of it, then take it and spread it everywhere. It is, after all, the Good News that changes lives. :)

Heather: True. He that is not against us, is for us (Luke 9:50). As long as the common goal is to win precious souls to the Lord Jesus Christ we are for each other. We should be “rightly dividing the Word of Truth”, though.
Sarah, I also agree with you.

Karah: I'm not sorry for what I said, but honestly Sarah Cheedie you should be ashamed of yourself for saying what you said to me. I do not know you and you do not know me. I don't appreciate being told that I'm basically not a Christian and I don't know how to read the Bible and I don't understand it. I am not sorely mistaken in anything. I have been studying this issue for a very, very long time. I’m saying the KJV is a translation of the Geneva and Bishop Bibles. The KJV was good in its day. I have not once said that any of you are not Christians because you read KJV only and I would appreciate the same respect from you. I do look at things from the other side because I’ve been there. Have you done any research on your own side or the other’s? I have been a Christian my entire life. I am not so arrogant as to sit here and tell others they are not getting God’s Word because they don’t ready the KJV. That is why most people dislike Christians.

Heather: No one can judge anyone and say whether they are saved or not. You’re not a Christian based on what Bible you read or church you go to. You are saved only through the blood of Jesus Christ. And that is the ONLY way!

Karah: I just wanted to comment, and I’m done. Gregory Sage, I agree with you. I think more people need to be informed on where they get their translations from. I agree that we shouldn’t be divided over the same Bible, just translated at different times. To go so low as to make comments as the person said below my comments is exactly why there are so many people who don’t want anything to do with Christians. If you’re putting down your fellow believers then how can you witness to those who don’t? Try to listen to what others have to say instead of snapping back with nasty and uneducated comments. You’re wrong to say what you said about me and others on here and I think you need to be called out on that, Sarah.

Sarah 2: Karah, I apologize if that’s how that came across, but I don’t know where you got that I said you weren’t a Christian for it. I said that people put their faith in God, but can’t seem to find His truth anywhere. I have done research on both sides. I was challenged at an early age to begin studying it because someone may someday try to take it from me and I better know what I believe and why. I didn’t say anything about anyone here not being a Christian. I’m not ashamed of the fact that I know the King James Bible is perfect and inerrant and that if it’s not King James it’s not Bible. I will not now nor ever apologize for that.

Karah: One more thing. To say that the KJV is inerrant is also incorrect. It was written by men. It is the 4th revision of an original revision. I realized I didn't go in to more detail of King James. He was gay; he was in love with his male cousin and had many male lovers. The KJV was dedicated to King James because he ordered it to be re-written because at the time there were two Bibles in dispute. The Geneva Bible and the Bishop's Bible, put together as the KJV. Eventually the KJV Bible was ordered to be the only Bible to be used and no other by the political leaders of the day. Plus it was economically cheaper to print one Bible rather than 2 or 3 etc...To say that a man written document is flawless is wrong. Also you said that people put their faith in God but fail to find his truth anywhere is a conflict. How can you have faith in God if you can't find his truth? So your statement makes no sense. I have faith in God and I know his truth and have found it. Period.

Tracy: Just as a clarification about the ESV. The scholars who translated this version were not trying to change the KJV like most of the others do. It is truly a word for word from the Greek and Hebrew languages. Karah is right about King James, although I'm not saying that "his" translation is bad. There are some places that are just not as accurate as they could be. I still use KJV much of the time and all of the scripture that I memorized as a child is from there, so I still have a great appreciation for it. We need to be careful both in being dogmatic about it and being liberal about what we choose to read. This has been an interesting discussion – It gives all of us some food for thought!

Sarah 2: Where did you find that truth? What I said is correct. It doesn't make sense to me. How can you say you have God and you know Him if He is always changing and you can't find an absolute truth?"

Sarah 2: I'm not saying you're not a Christian. I'm simply asking as a christian, where do you find truth?

Karah: I suggest you read The King James Only Controversy: Can You Trust Modern Translations by James White. He has multiple degrees in Greek. In his book he carefully and meticulously documents the flaws within the KJV. Take 1 John 5:7 for example........"

Karah: Daniel B Wallace (a evangelical Christian who also has Greek training) says:
Modern advocates of the Textus Receptus and KJV generally argue for the inclusion of the Comma Johanneum (1 John 5:7) on the basis of heretical motivation by scribes who did not include it. But these same scribes elsewhere include thoroughly orthodox readings—even in places where the TR/Byzantine manuscripts lack them. Further, these KJV advocates argue theologically from the position of divine preservation: since this verse is in the TR, it must be original.

Karah: ...Cont..... But this approach is circular, presupposing as it does that the TR = the original text. Further, it puts these Protestant proponents in the awkward and self-contradictory position of having to affirm that the Roman Catholic humanist, Erasmus, was just as inspired as the apostles, for on several occasions he invented readings—due either to carelessness or lack of Greek manuscripts (in particular, for the last six verses of Revelation Erasmus had to back-translate from Latin to Greek).

Karah: I recommend the NASB. Besides the Interlinear, the NASB is the closest to the original text we have. Check out this link from; Scroll down to "How Literal"?;

Caleb D: Boy, what a discussion! I haven't done months and months of studying but what I do know is that the KJV, ESV, and NASB are word for word translations from manuscripts and versions like the NIV are thought by thought translations. The Word of God is very important but the version each person chooses to use should never be a defining factor in their salvation. Thanks for facilitating this discussion Heather!

Gregory: Actually that was one lie I was always told growing up, Caleb, was that the NIV is a thought for thought translation. Actually, it is almost word for word. Personally, I prefer the meaning driven because word-for-word isn't the best English and doesn't make as much sense to English-speaking people as they would to Greek. The translations I use (like the NLT) use the closest sayings in English that express the original Greek and Hebrew the best. Also, does it matter if King James was gay or not? That should be the least of our concerns. If God can accept someone for who they are, who are we to point fingers?

Gregory: That is an excellent resource, Karah! :) Another of his books I loved was “What’s With the Dudes at the Door? Stuff To Know When the Cults Come Knocking”.

Caleb W: Wow. There is a lot of misinformed people here. I use facebook on my cell phone so I’m gonna be writing little mini essays. I am a Greek student and anyone with ANY language training can tell you that it is impossible to give a word by word translation or to vocally interpret it either. All these other so called Bible's come from older texts that were found in A) Rome or B) Egypt, both which God is clearly against according to the Bible. Septuagint is basically a pile of crap. The Jews involved were not all Levites and thus had no business touching it. The Dead Sea scrolls had nothing to add except a chunk in Isaiah that is not found in ANY other manuscript.

Heather: PREEEEEAAACHHH!!!! Wooo!!

Caleb W: King James was decidedly straight. I have read his letters to his cousins. At the time this was perfectly normal. Keep in mind he was Scottish, who tend to use terms of endearment with both sexes. Calling a man lovely or fair or dear was just Scottish brogue.

Caleb W: The King James was not a Geneva Bible revision but a translation from seven different texts. "purified in a furnace seven times thou shalt keep them O Lord from this generation forever." these so called Bibles don't really change much of the King James... ONLY PUTS SATAN IN PLACE OF JESUS IN THE BOOK OF ISAIAH. But that’s not a big deal... They are pretty much the same, right?

Caleb W: It only attacks the incarnation of God. It only weakens the trinity. It only removes\changes the Blood of my Savior too many times to list here. Now I wonder who hates the blood of Jesus Christ? Me? Nope! God? Nope? You? I hope not! Satan? Ding, ding, ding! I think we have a winner... Well, more of a loser actually.

Caleb W: Now its catholic time YAY! Oops! Peter is married! But isn't he the first pope? But he has a mother in law. Well we better change that. Oh crap! Jesus has siblings in multiple gospels. Rats, I guess Mary wasn't a perpetual virgin with all those kids. (And don't even try to say they are cousins because Jesus refers to his cousins later and they are nowhere near the same Greek word. Not that the Greek is even important. It’s a dead, unstable language. Ok so let’s make the catholic’s happy.

Steph: I ♥ the ESV, I never understood the Bible so clearly until reading it in the ESV.

Heather: ....I stand upon a Rock that never changes.

Steph: In 1769 the Oxford University Press published an edition of the King James Version in which many small changes were made. These changes were of five kinds: 1. Greater and more regular use of italics; 2.** minor changes in the text**; 3. the adoption of modern spelling; 4. changes in the marginal notes and references; and, 5. correction of printers' errors. This edition soon came to be known as "The Oxford Standard" edition, because it was widely accepted as a standard text by commentators and other publishers. The editions of the King James Version published in our century generally reproduce this Oxford edition of 1769, with or without the marginal notes. The following information is given so that the reader may gain an accurate impression of how far the modern editions differ from the original King James Version of 1611.

Steven: If your Rock is the KJV....well your 1769 has many changes from the original 1611.

Heather: Jesus is the Rock. On Christ the Solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand. Rock of Ages cleft for me, let me hide myself in Thee!

Steph: you're right Jesus is the Rock, not a translation.

Heather: "....and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it." Praise God! He is so good!

Steven: Thank the Lord that He has preserved His Word through a mass of manuscripts which allow us to know His Word thoroughly rather than a singular translation which limits our studies to the interpretations of fallible men.

Loretta: I’m thankful that God blessed me with Christians in life that believe the King James Bible and have the testimony to back it up.

Heather: ....and it’s not the Bible’s fault if one does not understand it.

Loretta: Some of the best Christians I know are King James Bible Believers. I’m so tired of Christians justifying themselves by pointing out the faults and hypocrisy of the King James Bible Believers.

Heather: AMEN! I thank God that there are still people with backbone and guts willing to stand for the truth. I don’t apologize for that statement. I won’t sit down, shut up, back off, or run and hide. I am willing to stand and fight for the truth no matter the cost.

Steph: there is nothing “wrong” with the KJV, but it is not the only version – that is the point.

Heather: you’re right. It’s not the only “version”... but it is the only one that’s Bible. And that’s not just my opinion. It’s God’s declaration.

Steph: So in the Bible it declares to only use the KJV? And believe it or not it’s called the King James “Version”.

Steven: Heather, where in the bible or which Prophet said to only use the King James Translation? You and the Men you listen to. you are speaking where God hasn’t spoken.

Heather: Bible verses have been provided in the past 90 comments, but strangely enough they seemed to have been overlooked. Hmm.
Let’s do this. Instead of “trying” to “disprove” and “trample” the KJV, why don’t you provide some verses in the Bible that support “YOUR bible”. I’ve not heard any defense for these other “bibles”… only a battle against the KJV. Now let’s reverse it.

Steven: Who is trying to disprove or trample the KJV? The only thing trying to be disproved is the view that the KJV is the only translation Christians should read. I will be happy to address any verses that you feel support KJV onlyism. I haven’t seen any Biblical support here, only views from 1800KJVONLY.

Heather: we said nothing about you “shouldn’t read them”. We said they are not the inspired, preserved Word of God. There’s a big difference between those two statements.

Steph: At this point I will agree to disagree. If you ever want to know some of the changes made to the KJV just let me know and I will send some to you. There is nothing wrong with the KJV, I personally when quoting verses quote the KJV because that is how I was raised as you know and it is near and dear to my heart. However the ESV really makes some scriptures more clear, and I am like WOW, that is awesome.
P.S. Love ya Heather :)

Heather: I love you too, Steph! :) that won’t change.

(That's it so far.... if more comments get posted on FaceBook, I'll be sure to transfer them over.)

Your thoughts on the matter........?
I welcome you to join in.
Comment away..... :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It Wasn't Me....

I went to that "Greater Vision" concert on Friday night with a group of people – boy, was that ever fun!! We had such a great time!
There was a group called “Crossing” that opened the concert for them – and they did a great job as well! The lead singer wrote a song called “It Wasn’t Me” – wow! There was such a powerful message contained in that song.

Let me explain. This was his illustration....

Growing up, one of my favorite phrases was: “It wasn’t me!” If cookies were missing out of the cookie jar, “it wasn’t me”; if the couch was torn, “it wasn’t me”; if there were muddy footprints all over the clean floor, “it wasn’t me”; if the flowers were trampled – “it wasn’t me”.
And then as I get older and realized that the adults around me aren’t as dumb as they look, I realized I can’t NOT take the blame for the wrong things I did. When I would wake up drunk in the middle of the bathroom, there was no way I could stumble to my feet, look at myself in the mirror and say “it wasn’t me”. When I cussed angry words at people there was no way I could later walk up to them and say “it wasn’t me”. When I smoked those cigarettes and used those drugs, there was no way I could explain to someone that “it wasn’t me”. When I lied to someone and it came back to bite me, there was no way I could look at the ones I’d hurt and say “it wasn’t me”.
But then there was that day when I crawled to the cross and asked Jesus to be my Savior... I was cleansed of all my past, present, and future sins, and made holy in the sight of Almighty God – NOW, and only now, I can stand before you and say that “It wasn’t me! It wasn’t me! It was HIM! I was hopeless and helpless of myself – there was nothing I could do of myself to merit the favor of God – I was lost, condemned, and headed straight for hell, but then Jesus stepped in! He took my place: when I should have been the one that climbed that hill to Calvary, HE was carrying MY cross upon HIS back – on which HE was nailed in MY place – taking MY sin upon HIS shoulders! It wasn’t me! It was HIM!

What an awesome God He is! What a wonderful, loving, compassionate, forgiving, gracious, merciful God He is! I am so thankful for my salvation.... So thankful! I hope you feel the same way!

If you're my friend on FaceBook, I posted some pictures! :)

Friday, May 29, 2009

You Raise Me Up ♪

Isn't this precious. . . . .

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The King James Bible Stands!

Are they not the cutest ever!? This is Bethany and Elijah Waters. They go to my church, and they sang at the Beggar's Meeting 2009. They did a great job! Enjoy!

seriously, this family is one of the most musically-inclined families I have ever met. They all play guitar. The oldest girl plays the piano amazingly. The oldest boy plays every stringed instrument imagineable (almost). They all sing. But most of all, they all love the Lord their God with all their heart, soul, and mind. They're truly amazing!

The Henson's...!! :)

I'll post more about these wonderful people later.... but just listen for now!

This is the kind of singing I love. I love the Hensons. I loved Micah. Micah wrote the song the ladies are singing (below) - it's titled: "All That Matters". Micah went home to be with the Lord in Fevruary 2009 - he was only 29 years old. But God makes no mistakes - and God was ready for the face-to-face company of His servant Micah. Micah wrote alot of the songs this dear family sings. The Henson's come to our annual Old Fashioned Tent Revival every summer, and visit throughout the year - Mrs. Henson and the 3 "kids" would sing (Kim is at the piano, Micah with the guitar, Renae singing like the angel that she is) and Mr. Roger Henson would preach - what a man! He has a constant "tear in his voice" - he preaches with a tender heart for the lost and for the Lord. Truly, they are some of the greatest people and Christians I have ever known. All the pianists at my church are constantly saying that it's our life long ambition to be able to play the piano as well as Kim Henson one day! ;) I love this family dearly, and thank the Lord for their unwavering, faithful testimony to the Lord! I am blessed to know them.
Anyways.... without further delay - enjoy the kind of music I love and was raised on. These CD's are constantly blaring in my car as I cruise down the road....! ;)

And here's a repeat for you....!! You just can't sing enough about Jesus. You can't praise Him enough. You can't love Him enough. You can't serve Him enough. But if I had but one breath I'd use it to praise Him with, because He's all that matters!!

Mark & Liz Rogers

These two wonderful people come to our church on occasion. Mrs. Rogers is one of the craziest, funniest, sweetest, godly, most beautiful women you will ever meet. She spoke at our ladies' "Day of Refreshing" just a couple months back - what a blessing she was! Mr. Rogers is an evangelist that travels the country and plays the piano just beautifully. And then it's quite obvious that they both are gifted with the ability to sing. They have two small children, a girl and a boy. What a wonderful blessing it is that these godly people are apart of mine and so many other lives. If you'd like to check out their ministry in greater detail, click here.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me ♪

So today is my birthday! I am 21 years old now. Just a number. Another year older. But it's a day for me to celebrate the life the Lord has given me. I am so thankful that I am not walking through this life alone though --- I have Almighty God on my side, and He loves me!

So here I am on vacation in Texas with my brother as he visits his biological family. I'm currently sitting on "my" bed, sipping on a Dr. Pepper (MmMmmm....! Oooooo.....! Ahhhh....!!!), watching Jasmine (my brother's youngest half-sister) playing her online game "Impressive Title" (and I'm not really sure how it happened, but I got suckered into creating an account on there too - which WILL be deleted by the end of the night, I can assure you of that). Earlier today I went to church with the family, which (in my opionion) was a great way to spend my 21st birthday! After church, we drove back to the house, where I helped Jasmine feed the COWS (Zeth and Jasper)!!! *yuck!* :X Yesterday, when I helped her feed the cows my brother was outside shooting a gun, and it spooked "my" cow and it just about trampled me! And then after it was all done eating and I was untying it, that bad-breath, hunk of steak sneezed all over my legs. *GROSS!!!* Scott and his biological mother killed a momma scorpian with eggs on its back the other day. For some reason, the giant toads like the pool and we found 7 of them stuck in the filter one morning (dead, of course - and smelly).

So far I've counted at least 46 people who have wished me a happy birthday on facebook - it's so great to have such amazing people in my life! :)

Anyways, that's my update post from the very distant land that I'm in right now!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sweet, Sweet Goodbye....*

*....For a few days anyways! :)

I don't know how much blogging I'll be doing over the next couple weeks --- after today, I have a 4-hour workday on Wednesday, then I'm on vacation for a week and a half! (Yes, I'm oober excited!)

I am going to Texas with my brother, where I will be meeting the rest of his biological family for the first time. He has been down there to visit them once before, but he asked me if I'd like to come along this time - of course I said yes!

As you know, if you've read my post titled: "I Grew In Her Tummy", I am adopted. Shortly after I started looking for my biological mother, my brother decided he would try to find his as well. and he did - about a month after I found mine.

He had a Christian heritage - a strong, Christian heritage. His "mother" was young when she had him, and since she was not married, she thought it best that her baby be raised in a home that had a mom AND a dad. So she gave him up for adoption. And I'm so glad she did - because that made it possible for him to be my brother! :)

So anyways, I'm going to Texas -- and I'm looking forward to it verrryyyyy much! My life has been non-stop since last August.... (here's a little peek):
This is a schedule of my daily, weekly, monthly life! haha! Mind you, it's a 45 minute drive (one way) from my house (or work) to church.
Sunday: Choir practice (9:15-9:30), Sunday School (9:45-10:30), Morning Service (10:45-12:00-ish), Teach 5 piano lessons (12:15-3:00-ish), Choir practice (4:30-5:30), Evening Service (6:00-7:30-ish), Music and Sound-check practice (7:45-8:80-ish)
Monday: Work (7:30-4:30), 1-hr Dinner relaxation, Homework (5:45-??)
Tueday: Work (7:30-4:30), 1-hr Dinner relaxation, Homework (5:45-??)
Wednesday: Class (8:00-1:30), Work (2:00-6:00), Church (7:00-8:30), Homework (9:30-??)
Thursday: Work (7:30-4:30), 1-hr Dinner relaxation, Homework (5:45-??)
Friday: Work (7:30-4:30), 1-hr Dinner relaxation, Homework (5:45-??)
Saturday: Piano Students (10:30-11:45-ish), Homework (3:00-??)
.....And then it starts all over again.....
BUT NOT ANYMORE...!! Because school is out for the summer! yay! :) :)

Tonight I am going out to dinner and then bowling with some friends! And then tomorrow I have a 4-hr workday! Pack. Board the plane Thursday morning, and enjoy sweet vacation untill 28-May-09! I turn 21 on 24-May-09! (which is no big deal really... it's just another number... another year older... but I'm still excited!) On 29-May-09 I'm planning on going to hear Legacy 5 at a Southern Gospel concert with some of my friends from church! And then on 30-May-09 I'll probably hang out with my BFF! :)

Yes, I'm greatly looking forward to the next 2 weeks! I return to work on 1-Jun-09. *gahhhh...!* But I don't want to think about that right now. haha!

So anyways, I said ALL that to say that I probably won't get a chance to blog much while I'm on vacation... I might get a chance to post something either today or tomorrow.... if not.... adiós. ¡véale más adelante! (that's "Goodbye. See you later!" in Spanish!) :)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Guilty, Until Proven Innocent

I know what you're thinking: "No, no, Heather... It's 'Innocent, until proven guilty'! Not the other way around!"

Sure it is.... but just wait. I'm not finished yet.... :)

There's this thing called the "Death Penalty". Depending if the crime committed falls into the category of capital crimes (aka: capital offences), the offender has the possiblity of facing the Death Penalty (something I, for one, am completely for. It's Biblical.)

Did you know there's a Spiritual Death Penalty? It's true.

It all started in a garden long ago. There were laws laid down... and they were disobeyed. The shackles of sin were placed on Adam and Eve, and they were forced to leave the garden. The bail that was set required the sacrificing of a spotless lamb upon an altar, the shedding of blood. However, that payment would not forever sin atone - it only lasted until another sin was committed. More laws were laid down - in Exodus 20, God carved the 10 Commandments on two tablets of stone and gave them to the people; and for 2,000 years the world "paid bail" in that manner.

"For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all." (James 2:10)

But I'm so thankful... because one day and angel appeared unto a little virgin girl and declared unto her that she would concieve and bring forth a son who would be called Emmanuel. The Great I Am. The Prince of Peace. The Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world.
"And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." (Luke 2:7-11)

MY Savior.

And then that one atoning day came. It started off as any other - but it would end in a manner like that which had never seen before nor would be seen again.
A garden. An agonizing prayer: "Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done." Betrayal by a "friend". A joke of a trial. Mockery. Beatings. Scorn. A crown of thorns. The wounds. A long, long road. A Hill called Mt. Calvary! A Cross! The Blood! A storm. God the Father weeping as He turns His back on His Only Begotten Son. A voice peircing the sky: "My God! My God! Why hast thou forsaken me...?" and then moments later, the shout of victory: "IT IS FINISHED!"

Finished. Done. Complete. Accomplished. Forever.

A grave. 3 days. and my Savior arose from dead - conquering Hell and the grave, forever removing the sting of death!

"And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses;
Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;
And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it." (Collosians 2:13-15)

I asked Jesus to come into my heart and save me - to wash my heart clean with His precious blood on May 2, 2001. It's as if Jesus walked into my Spiritual "jail" that day, opened the cell door, walked me out, and took my place. He had already paid the price. No more "bail". No more shedding the blood of spotless lambs upon an Altar. The Perfect Lamb of God had forever appeased the wrath of God the Father that day as He hung on the Cross on Mt. Calvary!

I'm so thankful for a Savior Who cared THAT MUCH for my soul. Where would I be if not for His grace?

It's a choice though. Jesus will not force His free gift of Eternal Life on you - you must reach out and accept it. If you never ask Him to come into your heart and cleanse you with His blood, you will have to pay for all your sins on your own. And since that is impossible, you face the spiritual Death Penalty: Hell. (Matthew 25:41, Revelations 20:13, 14)

Please don't die and go to Hell when you don't have to. The price has been paid. And Jesus is willing to save you - He WANTS to save you. (II Peter 3:9) He suffered an agonizing death for you on the Cross of Calvary so you wouldn't have to suffer for all eternity in a place called Hell forever serperated from Almighty God. Don't slap the everlasting arm away that is willing to save your soul. Please. Please.

You're guilty. Until proven innocent
through the complete cleansing of your
heart that only Jesus Christ give.

(I could tell Satan was really fighting this post the whole way through. My "copy/paste" button wouldn't work, the formatting and layout of this post kept going all weird... My thoughts kept getting all jumbled up, and I was having a hard time recalling Scriptures, etc... I have three words for that dirty, stinkin' liar: "Bring. It. On." (Ephesians 6:12)

I am Elizabeth Bennet of Pride & Prejudice! I am intelligent, witty, and tremendously attractive. I have a good head on my shoulders, and oftentimes find myself the lone beacon of reason in a sea of ridiculousness. I take great pleasure in many things. I am proficient in nearly all of them, though I will never own it. Lest I seem too perfect, I have a tendency toward prejudgement that serves me very ill indeed.

I am Elizabeth Bennet!